Scientists create an environmentally friendly paper-based battery powered by an invasive species of algae. The thin and lightweight battery could be used to power the next generation of low power personal devices
Ateam of the Swedish researchers have batteries using the salt and a paper, that from a generally found invasion sort algae formed are manufactured. Researchers at the fear Rome laboratory at the Uppsala university in Sweden discovered th
at differentiating cellulose the nanostructure Cladophora can serve algae as pollution free battery, if it is mixed with a salt solution. Their discoveries were published in the nano letter. Researchers Albert Mihranyan and professor Maria Stromme at the fear Rome laboratory had investigated pharmaceutical applications derived from cellulose from the Cladophora algae for years. Because of its singular nanostructure, had been used this cellulose as a thickening representative for pharmaceutical preparations and as briefcase in the food. The possibility of the applications of energy storages was considered in view of his large surface. „We hoped long to have found any kind of the constructional use for the material from the alga bloom to and now show this, in order to be possible, “, said Maria Stromme, professor in the nanotechnology and leaders of the research group. The Kernmannschaft contained of the Zellulosepharmazeutikexperten, of the battery chemists and of nanotechnologists, all of, played whom substantial roles, if it developed the new alga-created battery. By it the cellulose structure of the algae with a thin section of the guidancepolymer plastics coated, the researchers, also, followed to produce a battery those, weigh nearly nothing, and new loading time and capacity sets for polymer plastics cellulosebased batteries stopped. Because of the extreme thinness of the plastic layer, the researchers in the position were to achieve a much higher fee capacity than compared to other polymer plastics, created batteries. The batteries, which are based on this material, can store loss to 600 mA per Kubikcm, with only 6 per cent by 100 loading cycles. At this point cladophora algaebased the batteries cannot bring the power density together of the Lithiumionbatterien and are therefore improbably to be used in order to propel mobile phones or player MP3. The researchers are over the pollution free and cost effective aspects of the new battery enthusiastisch, which could be used in the devices, those the thin and light batteries such as smart cards, RFID changes, medical implants and sensors require.
Scientists create an environmentally friendly paper-based battery powered by an invasive species of algae. The thin and lightweight battery could be used to power the next generation of low power personal devices
Ateam of the Swedish researchers have batteries using the salt and a paper, that from a generally found invasion sort algae formed are manufactured. Researchers at the fear Rome laboratory at the Uppsala university in Sweden discovered th