New Delhi: HTC Corp and Bharti Airtel, HTC magic Tuesday launched India's first smartphone that runs on Google Android operating system. HTC magic, a 3.2 megapixel camera (the type used by the iPhone ) features a 3.2-capacitative touchscreen and inches 3G network, WI-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, and supports. It's also a built in accelerometer and compass. The device is at Rs 29,900, and authorized HTC resellers and Airtel relationship centers in 17 cities will be available in the price is. Android open source operating system applications and a wide variety of services that can be downloaded from the Android Market is to provide users with. Applications Gmail, Google Maps, Google Talk, Google's services such as YouTube and provide access to are preinstalled on the handset. Airtel many benefits to utility customers - based applications such as portfolio manager, hello tune manager, Weather Channel, the mobile search and magic HTC, a company statement said that the search on the city can. HTC for a period of six months, magic Airtel to customers will provide a free monthly 100MB download. IANS
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Thursday, June 4, 2009
15x optical zoom lens with a 10 megapixel digital camera, FinePix S2000HD true HD movies (1280 x 720 pixels) and wide screen stills.The FinePix S2000HD can capture the ability to continuously up to 13.5 per second on board to shoot to claim. The camera also dual image stabilization, face recognition, instant zoom backeting, and zoom on the 13 preprogrammed scene modes.The S2000HD an electronic viewfinder and a 2.7 is, SD-inch LCD screen and SD-HC cards are accepted, and claims to operate four AA Battery. More information about this product, Rs 13,999, the cost of travel for
15x optical zoom lens with a 10 megapixel digital camera, FinePix S2000HD true HD movies (1280 x 720 pixels) and wide screen stills.The FinePix S2000HD can capture the ability to continuously up to 13.5 per second on board to shoot to claim. The camera also dual image stabilization, face recognition, instant zoom backeting, and zoom on the 13 preprogrammed scene modes.The S2000HD an electronic viewfinder and a 2.7 is, SD-inch LCD screen and SD-HC cards are accepted, and claims to operate four AA Battery. More information about this product, Rs 13,999, the cost of travel for
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